2011 Workday: Project Sign up Directions/FAQs:

Posted: January 10, 2011 by Chad Mayer in Workday

ShareFest is now taking beautification project applications from schools, cities and non-profit groups in the South Bay and LA Harbor areas. Please have the leadership of the organization submit the project application to us by February 4, 2011 so we can find a volunteer organization to adopt your project. Projects will be completed during the 8th Annual ShareFest Workday on Saturday, May 14, 2011. Below are some directions on how to use our online web application for the Workday to process a project submission, and  a list of the top three frequently asked questions about ShareFest’s upcoming WORKDAY on May 14th, 2010. These questions/answers are particularly helpful for the person that will be making your project submission. If you have any further questions, please leave a comment below or email us.

Getting started is easy, just click HERE or on the image button below and you will be taken through a simple 4-step process.



STEP 1 – Register yourself –

In order to register your project with ShareFest we need you to create a personal login providing us with your email and first and last name. Additional contact info is also helpful, but not mandatory. Hit “Continue” once you fill in the required information.

STEP 2 – Register Your Organization –

Next, please register your organization with ShareFest by providing us with your organization type (school, city, non-profit), name, description and location. Hit “Continue” once you fill in the required information.

STEP 3 – Create Your Project –

Now it’s time to create your project. You can be creative and name your project. Please provide a brief overview of the needs that your project will address if completed by ShareFest. Also indicate your start and stop dates and provide us with your project site information. An example of the site owner would be the school district you belong to if your project is at a school site. Inputting your site description is also helpful to the volunteer organization that will be considering adopting your project. You want to indicate how meaningful it is for you to receive a project from a ShareFest Volunteer Organization. Hit “Continue” once you fill in the required information.

STEP 4 – Outline your project with “Project Activities” –

This next step is where you begin to outline the scope of your project. Your ShareFest Project will have a parent relationship with many project activities that fall under it. Many volunteer organizations like to see the variety of tasks that compose your overall project broken into pieces. Note: you may only get some of your Project Activities adopted. There also might be two different Volunteer Organizations doing different project activities as well

Congratulations, you have successfully submitted your project to ShareFest.Unfortunately, not every project gets adopted by a Partnering ShareFest Volunteer Organization. If your project does get adopted, you will be notified either by email or a phone call from a Project Manager. Should you have any questions or want additional information, please contact us at info@sharefestinc.org.

Halfway down on your screen you will see your Project Activities listed. You can always edit them or add another activity. If you would like to outline your project further, you can add special instructions and materials needed for each project activity. Please also consider uploading before, during and after pictures of your projects on this page! This helps document the work that needs to be done and will show volunteer organizations the tangible needs at your site as well as before and after shots that will show the great work that has been accomplished.
You’ll notice a Project Menu on the left hand side of the screen where you can Invite other Team Leaders, see a list of volunteers that sign up for this project once it’s adopted or add volunteers that you are able to recruit.

// FAQs

#1  Q: If I registered a project last year and it didn’t get adopted then do I have to re-register it?
A: Yes, we have changed some of our features with this application and need your information

#2  Q: Who pays for the materials and other costs associated with the Workday?
ShareFest encourages volunteer organizations to self-fund these projects.  If your organization has funds available, please indicate this in the special instructions section of this application. ShareFest also has unique ways to raise money for projects so please email us at info@sharefestinc.org to learn more.

#3  Q: What happens if my project doesn’t get adopted?
We will do our best to try and get your project adopted during our Annual Workday. Sometimes Volunteer Organizations desire to take on projects outside of our Workday and projects that don’t get adopted during our Workday get completed at another time.

Again, if you have any further questions, please leave a comment below or email us.

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