Posts Tagged ‘Workday’

Workday: FAQs

Posted: February 10, 2010 by V. Henry T. Nguyen in Workday

Below is a list of five frequently asked questions about ShareFest’s upcoming WORKDAY on May 1st, 2010. These questions/answers are particularly helpful for current and new Project Managers. If you have any further questions, please leave a comment below or email us.

#1  Q: Is there a list of available projects to choose from?
A: Yes, the ShareFest Online Application (SOA) has a real-time list of available projects.  But you must register first.  To do so, navigate to and click on the link that best describes you and/or your organization to get started.  You can use the attached Registration Guides for step-by-step instructions — for churches, use the church version; for businesses, use the business (volunteer org) version.
—Registration Guide for Churches—
—Registration Guide for Organizations—

#2  Q: Do we have to adopt one of the projects already in the system or can we partner with any recipient in need?
A: You may partner with any recipient.  However, the recipient does need to register their project in SOA so you can adopt them.  For instructions on how to register a project, use and share the attached Recipient Registration Guide.
—Registration Guide for Recipient—

#3  Q: Who pays for the materials and other costs associated with the Workday?
ShareFest encourages volunteer organizations to self-fund these projects.  In many instances, the recipients already have materials available and are simply looking for strong leadership and volunteers to make it happen.

#4  Q: Does ShareFest have any sort of guides and/or templates already available or do I need to create them myself?
Yes.  When you register in SOA, the Resource Library has everything you need to get started.

#5  Q: Does ShareFest negotiate any discounts for materials with any vendors?
Yes.  ShareFest aggressively pursues partnerships with different vendors to take advantage of the economies of scale the Workday provides.  The Vendor Discount provides details about their available offers, which can be found in the SOA Resource Library.

Again, if you have any further questions, please leave a comment below or email us.

Save the Date: 5.1.10 Workday

Posted: February 2, 2010 by V. Henry T. Nguyen in Workday
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May 1st, 2010

Save the Date for ShareFest’s 7th Annual Workday. Please anticipate joining us that day. More details to come …